Subscription (Subs) Fees

Fees: £13:00 per monthy
Collection date: 1st of the month
Collection Method: via OSM Parent Portal. You will be emailed when payment is due.

What are Subs for?

Following the publication of our annual accounts at the last Group AGM in May 2023, those of you who attended will have noted the on-going struggle we have year on year to remain financially viable. Whilst we have endeavoured to keep costs down and have continued to charge the same level of subscriptions for the last 6 years, we are now in a position where unfortunately we are this year going to have to raise the monthly subscriptions by £1.50 a month to £13. This will take effect from 1st October 2023. This increase, which still provides excellent value for money, will allow us to continue to run the Group and maintain the weekly activities which your children enjoy so much.

Like all other scout groups the subs we charge are made up of a number of elements. These include the following:  

The Capitation fee - This is a sum determined each year following the census of all adult and youth members which takes place in January. The fees payable for each young person are calculated on the number of young people in each Scout County. This fee is split so that an element goes to help run the national organisation, another to the county association, then a further amount to the district (we are in the East Somerset District).

Rental of Selwood School - Currently we pay in the region of £60 per night for the hire of the hall, a charge we have been informed will rise by 10% rise as from the 1st September. Whilst we have tried to negate this cost by running activities at Tedbury camp site during the summer term, Tedbury itself also charges us for use of the site, albeit at a lower rate than Selwood.

Insurance - We have to fund the insurance of the groups camping equipment, which if you have seen the store at Ray's you will know is quite extensive. This cost like most insurance costs has also risen considerably over the last few years.

Upkeep and replacement of camping equipment - Whilst we try to raise money for the purchase or replacement of larger items such as tents, much of the smaller items of equipment have to be funded via subscriptions. The fees we charge for camps only cover the running costs of camps themselves.

General running costs - This is the amount that each section requires to put on its activities each week purchasing general materials etc for use on a Thursday night. In addition, costs such as the badges the scouts achieve come out of this.

Proposed new store – Having been given notice that we need to relocate our stores, we have been looking at a number of options over the last 6 months. The preferred option is now to purchase a shipping container and site at a new location. The purchase of this is likely to be in the region of £2,000 plus fitting out costs and then any potential site rental costs.

Gift Aid:

In order to help increase our income, we will be launching a new initiative to get all those who are taxpayers and paying subs, signed up for “Gift Aid”. As a registered charity, the Gift Aid scheme allows us to claim an additional 25% of your subscriptions at no extra cost to you. All you need to do is complete the form that we will supply. As you can imagine this will make a huge difference to our income and help keep the ongoing cost of subs down. Please log into the Parent Portal and make your Gift Aid declaration as soon as possible.

Payment of Subs

Subs payments are managed and collected through the Online Scout Manager(OSM) Parent Portal. For more information download the Subs payment helpsheet.

As always we will continue to monitor our expenditure through our Executive Committee and hopefully, we can again cap the subscriptions for a few more years. We do need your help with this however, particularly with fund raising activities such as the Christmas Fair.

If you feel you would be able to help us keep the Group going in this way, even if it’s just on an occasional basis, please either speak to myself or a leader. We would welcome any parents who would like to join us either as a uniformed leader, parent helper or to assist on the Executive Committee. We cannot run the Group without you! 

For more information or to volunteer, please speak to a leader or committe member, or email



All payments should be made via Online Scout Manager (OSM). The system will automatically send you an email Informing you when the monthly fee is due. Please note the date in OSM is the date on which the system requests payment & it may be a few days later before payment shows on your bank statement.

The system operates in two modes:

  • Subscription (Easiest method) - your Direct Debit will automatically be debited when there are payments needed for your child.

  • Pay Now - you have to approve each payment by logging into OSM.

For instructions on how to set up you Subs payments, please download the Subs payment helpsheet.

If you need additional help, please speak to a leader, a committee member or email

For instructions on how to set up you Subs payments, please download the Subs payment helpsheet.

If you need additional help, please speak to a leader, a committee member or email

When you're child joins one of our sections, you will be sent an invitation email. This will contain your personalised email link. Click this link and follow the instructions to register.

For more instructions/help you can download the Register helpsheet, speak to a leader, a committee member or email

Please speak to a leader, a committee member or email

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5th Frome (Hayesdown) Scout Group
Selwood Academy, Berkley Road, Frome, Somerset, BA11 2EF

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association

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